Books on 5 Element Acupuncture
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture
Volume 1: Meridians and Points
by Prof. J.R. & J.B Worsley ;
The comprehensive textbook with the names, locations and points used in Classical Five-Element Acupuncture More Details and Purchase
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Volume 2 & 3.
The Traditional Diagnosis & The Five Elements & Twelve Officials
Prof. J.R. Worsley;
The third in a series of books which carefully and thoughtfully describes and details the fundamentals of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. This book is essential reading for those who would like to learn more about the Five Elements, the Five Seasons and the Twelve Officials. Another tour de force by J.R. Worsley D.Ac., Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, Volume III: The Five Elements and the Officials is packed with the core tenets which comprise this remarkable acupuncture practice. More Details and Purchase
Is Acupuncture for You?
Prof.J.R. Worsley ; Written in question and answer form, this text answers questions that anyone curious about this system of medicine might ask. An update of the first edition published in 1975, Dr. Worsley adds timely comments, ideas, and concepts that underlie diagnosis and treatment in Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. Excellent for patients and practitioners alike. More Details and Purchase

Talking About Acupuncture in New York
Prof. J.R. Worsley speaks of the different types of acupuncture, how they work, treatment of the person as a unique individual, imbalance of organs as cause of disease, The Laws of the Five Elements, of Mother/Child, of Husband/Wife, and the Law of Cure. Speaking with characteristic spirit, humor and compassion, Professor Worsley made a plea for humanity to attune with universal, natural laws that are as immutable today as they were for the Chinese five thousand years ago, and are fundamental to health of body, mind and spirit. More Details and Purchase

Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture
Angela Hicks, John Hicks and Peter Mole
The first comprehensive textbook published on this subject. It provides an invaluable tool to underpin the teaching of this style It gives a clear, detailed and accessible presentation of the main features of treatment using Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture. It covers the context and history of this form of acupuncture, as well as the relevant Chinese medicine theory. More Details and Purchase
The Handbook of Five Element Practice
Nora Franglen A practical text written for students and acupuncturists who want to reinforce their understanding of Five Element practice and for practitioners who want to take a deeper glimpse into the elements. Topics covered include: The qualities of the different elements, The components of five element diagnosis, Treatment principles and techniques, Point selection guidelines, Point groupings for specific treatments
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Nora Franglen's The Five Elements. A in-depth and poetic study of the 5 Elements and how they play out in our patients and our own lives More Details and Purchase
Keepers of the Soul
Nora Franglen writes with passion about five element acupuncture. It has been the guiding philosophy of her life for over 20 years, and is a discipline which has nourished her and helped heal her patients. She shares with us her views on what it means to live in harmony as a unique being and how the elements themselves help shape us, body and soul, illustrating this with her keen observations of various well-known people. She offers us rich insights into how to practice five element acupuncture and concludes with her vision for acupuncture in the 21st century.
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The Pattern of Things by
Nora Franglen. We rarely have the opportunity to share the reflections of another practitioner on their practice. In this book, Nora Franglen provides us with this insight, gleaned from over twenty year's experience as an acupuncturist. Written from the perspective of a five element practitioner, these thoughts will encourage acupuncturists of any style as well as other therapists to reflect on their own practice, their relationships with their patients and their fears. They also shed further light on the expression of the five elements within us all.
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Healing Your Emotions
Angela and John Hicks
Describes how people's emotions relate to the characteristics of their Five Element constitutional types. More Details and Purchase
The Art of Crafting a Treatment
by Niki H Bilton A thorough exploration of how and why we plan a treatment in the 5 Element style of acupuncture. Details and Purchase
Receiving Spirit
Debra Kaatz Acupuncture is an ancient healing art. Each of the acupuncture points is a palace of healing energy for the body, mind and spirit. When we suffer from 'dis-ease' these points can be used to bring our energy back into harmony and wholeness. They can also help our spirit to deepen, grow and mature. This book is about the healing practice of Five Element Acupuncture as treatment, meditation and for expanding our spirit. It is an accessible and inspiring addition to all traditions of acupuncture
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In Asia all these books may be purchased from China Books Web
Characters of Wisdom
Debra Kaatz; This book is about the Taoist tales of the Chinese characters for 365 of these acupuncture points. It is an introduction to the beauty of this ancient form of healing medicine and will delight practitioners, students and anyone interested in Chinese characters and the healing spirits of each of these special points. More Details and Purchase
Nourishing Destiny
by Lonny Jarrett first published in 1999, has now become a classic text in the field of Chinese Medicine and is in use as a core text by schools of many traditions throughout the world. Nourishing Destiny examines Chinese medicine as a science pertaining to the evolution of consciousness. Equating health with open awareness and illness with habitual functioning, Lonny examines the Chinese notion of destiny as it applies to the practice of acupuncture and herbal medicine. The text is grounded in the Classics and extends their view into the treatment room today. More Details and Purchase
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine.
Lonny Jarrett This work explicates how to achieve the core value system at the heart of Nourishing Destiny in clinical practice. All treatment paradigms are fully elaborated to allow immediate integration into the clinic. I cover in detail the points on the 12 main channels cross referencing every character in every main and alternate point name to Weiger s etymological text and to Mathews Chinese-English dictionary. I also fully elaborate the Worsley five-element tradition with a fresh perspective for the twenty first century. A chapter on Clearing Blocks with Chinese Herbs contains a beautifully written piece by Thea Elijah on treating possession, exit/entry blocks, and clearing the sensory orifices with herbal medicine. A 60 page chapter discusses the in depth use of the five element points on each channel with an eye toward engendering the integral consciousness that lies at the heart of Chinese medicine More Details and Purchase

Traditional Acupuncture;
The Law of the Five Elements
Dianne Connelly An explanation of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water), and their use in the treatment room. Dr. Connelly shows how traditional acupuncture can make a difference, both in our moment-to-moment appreciation of life and in the way we hold life’s bigger picture. Includes a description of the examination done before acupuncture treatment, as well as many case examples. More Details and Purchase

All Sickness is
Home Sickness
Dianne Connelly. This is Dr. Connelly’s second book. New Age Retailer calls it “an act of healing in the form of a book. Dianne Connelly’s touch is sensitive and precise: her sense of interweaving elements is simply beautiful. Very personal, yet not at all self-indulgent, Dr. Connelly shares the vision of life that is embodied in the practice of acupuncture. Her sharing is far more than an intellectual communication. It is very much like being in the presence of a very loving, skilled and compassionate person, having lived many years in the study of healing, who is communicating their deepest thoughts to you. While this is a book on acupuncture, and on the nature of sickness and healing, it is equally a book on life . . . a homecoming and healing for any reader.” More Details and Purchase

The Simple Guide to Using Acupuncture by Nora Franglen; will help you and your patients understand how acupuncture treats the whole person through accessing the natural energy channels. Appreciate the significance of the world's longest surviving form of medical treatment, originating from China, & why it is used across the globe today. Gain important insights, through case studies, into how acupuncture can benefit health & general well-being

The Power of the Elements
Charles A Moss allows readers to identify through questionnaires and case histories their own energetic patterns for adaptation and to create strategies for reducing stress and improving health. Focusing on the fact that maintaining health and preventing stress-induced diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, requires adapting successfully to changing circumstances, Dr. Moss offers a range of behavioral changes, dietary recommendations, and exercises such as meditations and visualizations to enhance adaptive responses More details and Purchase

Archetypal Acupuncture: Healing with the Five Elements
by Gary Dorwich draws upon case histories, spiritual poetry, classic sources such as the I Ching, and examples from contemporary culture to revitalize traditional wisdom, bringing East and West together. Gary Dolowich has taught the Five Element system at various acupuncture colleges for over 20 years, and this book has evolved directly from that experience. You are invited on a journey in which the elements are understood as archetypal symbols that allow us to cultivate a life in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
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In The Footsteps of the Yellow Emperor
by Peter Eckman originally published in 1996 to great acclaim, this updated paperback edition of In the Footsteps of the Yellow Emperor offers a fascinating and highly readable account of one doctor s personal and professional quest to explore the healing traditions of Asia, its rich historical lineage, and its subsequent transmission to contemporary Europe and North America.
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Closing The Circle
by Peter Eckman is a pioneering effort to clarify and reconcile the two most influential paradigms of Chinese medicine - The Five Element model and the 8-principle TCM model.
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Five Spirits: Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing
Lorie Dechar opens the doorway to this ancient tradition as it introduces a vision of acupuncture as an alchemical art. From this perspective, acupuncture is much more than an effective treatment for physical pain
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Cloud Gate: Acupuncture Point Names, A Comprehensive Compendium
is the most comprehensive examination of point names available in English. It includes 1091 names of 361 points (360 regular points plus Yin Tang), composed of 591 Chinese characters. Also included are the definitions of the Chinese characters which are taken from several different sources. (Allowing a full examination of alternate names for each point). The point name translations of various other authors are also indexed, thereby providing translations that will be familiar, regardless of the source of practitioner training.
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